Monday, July 26, 2010

Hearing Hitler is Creepy. There is no Deaf Dictator.

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This Hearing Man killed his Family, the Deaf Man did Not.

This Pathetic Hearing man kills his kids because he lost his job. He killed his family because he lost his shitty job. How Pathetic. Who Cares about losing a shitty job, go celebrate and smoke a joint and drink some booze. OMG. Fucking Retarded. The Hearing Man is pathetic, in comparision to how Uber-Studly and Sexy the Deaf man is. The Hearing Man is Creepy, the Deaf Man is Not.

This Hearing Trash Did This Atrocity, The Deaf Man did not.

This Hearing Woman sure married the wrong man. Or was her man on Prozac? She is grieving, holding a candle to mourn her dead sons. Her pathetic husband, a Creepy Hearing Man, Killed her sons and then killed himself, because she was being a bitch and was divorcing him. Boo Fucking Hoo, get over it and find a new bitch, OMG. How Pathetic Hearing Men are. Hearing Men are pathetic serial killers. The Deaf Man is a Uber-Stud Incarnate in comparision to the Creepy Shit Hearing Man. The Hearing Man is Creepy, the Deaf Man is NOT.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Hearing Man is Creepy, the Deaf Man is Not.

it appears that people don't know the difference between the hearing and deaf.

For example, a hearing man rammed a hot iron up a girl's pussy, burning it, and then cut her head off. The deaf man did not. This is the huge-ass chasm of difference between the hearing and the deaf.

The hearing are genociders, baby killers, child killers, serial killers, nuclear weapon creators, biological weapon creators. A hearing man would place large traces of biological chemicals near a school, thus killing russian children. The deaf man did not.
A hearing man was irritated by a crying baby, and picked it up, rammed it's head on the table to shut it up, thus killing it. The deaf man did not.
A hearing man burned his wife and kids and killed them. The deaf man did not.
A hearing man rapes a little girl in the woods and kills her. The deaf man did not.
A hearing man drowns his kids in the bathtub. The deaf man did not.
A hearing man rams his kids heads through the wall and stuffs them to death with pizza. The deaf man did not.
A hearing man leads the Germans to war and kills millions of Jews and innocent in Genocide. The deaf man did not.
A hearing man rams sharps instruments up a girls ass and kills her. The deaf man did not.

The hearing kills by the Trillion.
Today's present deaf population is 100 million, and in the entirety of deaf history the deaf only have 50 something kills to their credit. That is virtually nothing in comparision to the atrocities commited by the hearing.